At Junk-OR-Not, we stand by a key initiative – to provide environmentally responsible removal services to our community. Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond mere rhetoric; it is a driving force behind every service we deliver.

Consistency is the hallmark of our execution. We don't just talk the talk; we put our commitment into practice every day. Expect nothing less than top-notch professionalism and an awesome approach to junk removal when you choose Junk-OR-Not. While we would like to divert everything away from the Landfill there are still unavailable resources that leave us with the Landfill as the only option. Our promise is to make the Landfill the LAST option. Join us in making a positive impact on the environment, one removal service at a time.

Our Operation

  • “Keepin’ it out of the Landfill”

  • Provide Environmentally Responsible Removal Services to the community

  • We put our commitment to consistency into practice every day

  • Our commitment to transparency is evident in our straightforward services and clear pricing structures. We believe in providing our customers with simplicity and honesty in every interaction.

  • At Junk-OR-Not, we uphold the highest standards of integrity. Every item entrusted to us receives the utmost care and consideration. Our team is dedicated to handling your belongings with the respect and responsibility they deserve.

  • Continuous improvement is ingrained in our culture. We exhibit tenacity in our pursuit of excellence, constantly evolving our practices. As new information and methods emerge, we adapt to ensure our services remain at the forefront of industry standards.

Our Values

What we practice



Environmental Responsibility



Hello Fargo-Moorhead! I'm Nolan Prinze, the proud owner behind Junk-OR-Not, and I'm excited to share a bit about who I am and why I do what I do.

I come from a vibrant family, with the honor of being the son of a loving mother and the middle sibling in a very large and lively household. Beyond my familial roles, I am proud to be the husband to my Amazing Wife Shannon. My upbringing was very modest as most that come from poverty would say. With a dream and a prayer I set out to make something of my life. My journey took a significant turn at 18 when I enlisted in the U.S. Navy, embarking on a path that shaped my character and instilled in me the values and work ethic that guide me to this day.

During my time in the Navy, I served as an Enlisted Logistics Specialist on Active Duty from 2012-2016, deploying twice to the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf alongside some of the finest individuals I've ever known. While the Navy didn't become my lifelong career, the principles I learned from my experiences became an integral part of who I am.

After my Active-Duty service, I continued my commitment to public service, contributing as a civil servant in my Local Government Agencies from 2017-2021. My wife and I discovered Fargo-Moorhead back in 2021 between semesters during the final stretch of her journey to become an educator. It didn't take long for us to recognize it as our home and make the leap out here.

Why do I do what I do? There's a pivotal moment that lingers in my memory. I was 20 years old, wrapping up my first deployment. I had volunteered to work night shift in the Environmental Services Division so that sailors who had family visiting for our post Deployment “Tiger Cruise” could be with them during the day. Sorting through waste bags during the dis-embarkment of our Marine counterparts, I discovered perfectly a significant amount of good, unused items being discarded. Toiletries, workout supplements, hard drives, and books – items that could have found a new home. Growing up with limited resources, I couldn't fathom the idea of discarding such valuable things.

In starting Junk-OR-Not, I aim to redirect the narrative of what is considered "Junk or Trash." I strive to be a voice in steering usable items away from landfills, contributing to a more sustainable and thoughtful approach to waste disposal and deliver value to the community.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me, and I look forward to serving the Fargo-Moorhead Area community!

Email me:

Call me: 701-347-1184

“Semper Fortis” - Always Strong